I've been using a composting toilet for a year and a half now so that makes me an expert. And we all need to be good at something, right? I've got this down!
There is no greener way to take care of your waste than with a composting toilet and I fully believe that the future is not Plastics, the future is Composted Waste. Pictured above is not the toilet I built for my tiny house but one that I made to sell on Ebay. I'm including over a month's worth of supplies but in the week or so that it's been up, I still have no takers. There are a few others on Ebay- the Nature's Head for $950 and a few that are about $280 that are smaller than mine and not finished out. I see an industry here. There's a tiny house village just down the street from me and none of those 30+ homes have a toilet because there's no running water. So every person there, whether they're perfectly healthy or in a wheelchair, has to go out to the portable toilets outside in the middle of the night. RVs have to take their waste to dump stations and to the best of my knowledge, there are two places in Seattle they can legally dispose their waste. People who liveaboard their boats, like I did for over ten years, have a disgusting waste tank that has to get pumped out regularly. And backyard cottages and tiny homes, which are becoming a more and more viable option for affordable living, whether in the city or out, are perfect for composting toilets because they don't require plumbing. The concept is perfectly simple and is all about separating the urine from the feces. A urine diverter (I get mine from a dude in Arizona who sells his 3D printed units on Etsy as Johnny Compost) channels the liquid into a tank while allowing the solids to drop into bucket that I line with a composting bag. I use a drying agent (coconut fiber and cedar sawdust) to dry the solids and there is NO SMELL. The bags of waste can be thrown into a large barrel and in about a year it's just dirt. Or you can put the bags in a paper bag and throw them in a dumpster. It's basically neutral waste. And I'm now making a flower pot to divert the urine into that will grow hearty plants like hops and ivy because it turns out urine is full of nutrients! Who knew?
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